How will currencies with the same mission affect our?

iisurge It’s going to sound almost cliched by now but the kind of success that interests me is organic growth - genuine person to person adoption that will happen because we have a great community. That’s why IMO genuine success, for any crypto, is going to take years (and I’m taking for granted the great development work!).

But I understand there is concern in the community regarding promotion. However it is not quite so simple in my eyes. I’ve thought about the point quite a bit and here’s where I’ve got with it:

How does one go about promoting money? It just doesn’t really happen, does it, unless you’re a forex trader perhaps. But that is a big part of what Reddcoin is - money.

It’s not possible to promote money just like that, at least not sincerely or with a straight face (think Dogecoin :D).

But the exciting things are the services being built around the money and the possibilities that programmable money throws up. A cross-platform tipping service is going to be really cool to have integrated into your browser. Redd-ID is going to open up all kinds of exciting possibilities, I believe not only online but also in the “real” world. And there’s more…

These are projects directed by the core team but at the moment the space is wide open for anyone in the community to add to the network of services, and people are doing this. Then each person or team behind each project will naturally do some of their own promotion (speaking for myself I tweet products on my site and sent out a discount voucher to my small mailing list… I am planning a short regular newsletter for Reddibreks but for the next couple of months I have my hands full).

We definately need products to promote. When the team releases them, we will seek promotion. When the community releases them, the community will do promotion. And we can cross-promote!

However, for the time being, we are still very much in building phase. And it’s taking some time to get right, just like learning the piano well or building a skyscraper. :wink:

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Also everyone is saying what a great dev team we have etc, but when I look at our wiki there really is no description on anyone :confused: vs their wiki. Even though they are new and it will take time… with the people backing them, it might not take so much time to get viral(both spotify and candy crush went very viral fast). I do hope though that this is a wakeup call for Reddcoin and they should at least be doing things to keep the faith in the community (like regular updates)


m3ndi3 but at the same time spotify and candy crush aren’t money. Which is where reddibrek makes a good point.

I too would like to see some more regular updates from the devs on how things are progressing.

An estimated conpletion date for things. Which can change fortnightly if things are taking longer than anticipated etc.

m3ndi3 tralf is looking forward to ironing out bugs in the browser wallet shortly - he told me so a couple of days ago!

It is important to remember that the devs have full time day jobs, lives and families, and that they too sometimes need to focus fully on these aspects of their lives.

If you have the blues sometimes due to quiet periods then I’m afraid that is something to get used to in crypto projects. It is just not possible to have news every day or even every few days. It is interesting actually to think back over the past few weeks when you haven’t had any news for a few days. Then you realise that a fair bit of stuff has been happening, thanks to these people with full-time day jobs. In the case of Reddcoin a brand new forum and browser wallet beta release. And a few weeks before that Electrum wallets. Etc.

Reddcoin and a few other genuine cryptocurrency projects out there follow this pattern of release, quiet period, … For most other projects the usual scenario goes thus:

  1. An announcement of a new project with lots of great features.

  2. A flurry of excitement and further grand promises from the devs and supporters.

  3. A wave of mania with the onset of trolling.

  4. A reversal of sentiment and explosion of negativity and distrust.

  5. Community dissipation, sometimes preceded by devs absconding across the Interwebs!

lol :smiley: !

But I do have to say, like you I’m eagerly waiting for the next release of the browser wallet. I’m really excited about it!

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iisurge But thats where the problem with everyone’s perception lies. In gaming, points are not real money. In app purchases are not real things. But people act like they are. They spend money to obtain in game points that won’t be used anywhere else but there. That is what NeuCoin is trying to do. Gamify everything… Amazon does this well (gives points to its users then you can redeem as credits) They are giving everyone incentives to spread the word, (affiliate program) and if you can use NeuCoin to “unlock” content (songs, games, videos, etc) then that would be huge. If someone tips in NeuCoin you can use that to obtain access to something, vs Reddcoin where you just get tips and trade in for money or items. If Reddcoin just thinks in terms of “we are just a currency” then that would be its downfall. We have to think outside the box and try to gamify!


reddibrek said:

m3ndi3 tralf is looking forward to ironing out bugs in the browser wallet shortly - he told me so a couple of days ago!

It is important to remember that the devs have full time day jobs, lives and families, and that they too sometimes need to >focus fully on these aspects of their lives.

I’m confused, why wouldn’t Tralf just make that update on the forums. Also, wasn’t Reddcoin Ltd created so these developers can work full time on Reddcoin?

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m3ndi3 yes gamify! I agree wholeheartedly.

Anything that is on the cards for Neucoin is on the cards for other cryptocurrency - including Bitcoin. It’s all wide open.

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m3ndi3 tralf has already said in his thread that people should report bugs and he would work on them. If he begins making updates on updates… well that’s not the Reddcoin style!

Something the team is known for - not many announcements then releases.

For example, the Reddsight block explorer and API - no announcement or pre-discussion or anything. Just launched one day!

EDIT: It is important to note that Reddcoin ltd has only recently been set up. There are no paid employees as of present. The company has been put in place as a foundation and laudney has already been clear about this:

“So Reddcoin Ltd was set up to explore the options to hire people full-time to work on the project. And there are already several people in the dev team who have privately expressed strong interests in joining us. If anything, they may be a bit frustrated that the Ltd is not moving as quickly as they’d like to mainly because I think the main ramp-up should be after we deliver a working Social X. But anyway, the company is there, with all the paperworks, represented by a global top 5 law firm with offices in multiple regions including London, Silicon Valley and New York. The foundation is there.”

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reddibrek Ah ic makes sense

reddibrek I feel that’s why devs are quite right now (;

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Strategic advisors are Jackson Palmer and Brock Pierce… Seems legit…

I agree with m3ndi3 here. Generally I like to look positive on things, but being satisfied with the good things doesn´t mean we shouldn´t work on things that could be doing better. I can say on my behalf that I don´t know the developers neither and it would definitely raise my trust if there was a public account e.g. on as with neucoin, more regular updates and a solid plan how to proceed (the roadmap is a nice picture, it is not a real roadmap). This isn´t necessary work that need to be done by the developers. The community can assist here a lot, I believe. But it has to be done with the developers. I think finding an angel investor is a nice plan. Before we reach that point a solid businessplan is needed. Maybe the devs are already working on it, who knows? We don´t know since there was no such announcement.


So glad to see its not just me. I wish we could have merged with Doge…Redddoge…Community & Technology in 1 fell swoop.

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artiscience said:

The community can assist here a lot, I believe. But it has to be done with the developers.

This is what it’s all about. As each community member gives careful consideration to how they can bring benefit, and then chooses the best way, the project grows. Think only about the first month of this year…

iisurge and ReddcoinRocks launched the community dev group. iisurge has also launched a Reddcoin ticker widget for Android and I know he’s working on other things. m3ndi3 built a cool Reddcoin game and Gnasher is now working on tipping functionality for this forum. Other members of the community have been involved in diverse ways: cyberfy relaunched an upgraded website for his service, complete with Reddcoin integration, and Crypto_Latino just gave us a Reddcoin ringtone, for example! :slight_smile: And that’s not to mention other work people have been doing, that we know about and don’t know about. And the competitions and giveaways Reddheads have been posting. Sorry for not listing everyone.

And artiscience you made a fantastic proposal for development based on the browser wallet, something I really think has great potential!

Also version 1.4.1 of the Reddcoin wallet was released, following work to fix an issue with coinstake timestamp rules, laudney opened the Academy thread for people to go in-depth into the technical aspects of cryptocurrency, and the Reddcoin Social Wallet was made open source. Laudney has made posts referring to Social X and ways in which we can prepare - such as creating a Keybase profile, as well as discussing technical aspects of the Electrum hierarchical deterministic wallet.

And Reddheads continues to publish regular newsletters :smiley:

All this activity has been happening in only a few weeks in January. I happen to know that this is a particularly busy time for the devs in their day jobs, as January is for me with mine. Honestly, to kick off the year with a good first month at work, I had to put in time behind the scenes over Xmas… and work long hours throughout the month.

But it paid off and the year has started well, as it has done for Reddcoin. Since we moved over from Reddit it’s amazing how much more the community is getting involved and collaborating on projects. I find it really noticeable. Let’s keep going like this and by the end of the year it will be amazing how much further we have come.



I agree that we have a lot of community engagement and I share your optimism here. I only want to to mention, that while this is an absolutely positive development, the overarching core development is not as transparent as it could be. That´s what I meant when I referred to the roadmap as currently anything more but an image. It would help all of us if we could get more explicite on our schedule. See, developers are working on this partly in their freetime (party because unlike everyone else they received an initial payment that was meant to cover development for one year) and there is no way to ask them to work more or faster. I am not asking that. There is no reason to make some VERY conservative estimations that can be matched even if things turn out worst case, don´t you agree?


iisurge I don’t think the mission of Reddcoin is wide adoption by the general public. It’s certainly one of the goals but it’s just common sense: all products, including cryptocurrencies, are created to attract as many customers as possible. Reddcoin is certainly not unique in this.

Reddcoin is first and foremost a technology project. What will differentiate Reddcoin from the rest is Social X. As far as I’m aware, no other cryptocurrency team is working on the same things as we do and therefore from a competition point of view, I’m not worried.

Neucoin seems to have a very impressive list of investors and supporters. That’s their No.1 selling point. But as far as technology is concerned, it doesn’t seem to offer anything new.


Indeed. A lot here depends on the nature of trading. What will you work with? How will you use your personal experience in the mentioned area? And what will be your assisting tool as forex broker, for instance? What is your complete base for the work?