Hi Yavuz, I have a problem with a transaction made. Send some coins to my litebit account and I have not received it for more than 2 months. In the windows wallet I get as done but they have not reached their destination.
If I search in a reddcoin block explorer they put me like I have them available in the wallet account but in the balance wallet I get 0. Thanks in advance for the help and forgive the writing but I’m using google translator.
Hello Roberto!
A few questions, to understand the situation better:
Which version of Reddcoin Core are you using at the moment? You can see this via Help (menu) -> Debug window.
Double click the transaction to see the transaction details. What do you see? Could you copy/paste the details here?
Do you see the transaction on https://live.reddcoin.com?
(Make a backup before you do anything. You can backup your wallet via Reddcoin Core -> File (menu) -> Backup wallet.)
version: v3.10.2.0-25f95e5-beta
and the information: Fecha: 10/09/2020 17:10
Para: litebit Rskrz3uLWkNnSCzRDcdmrqRxUsX9yoY6mY
Débito: -530 282.62485384 RDD
Cantidad neta: -530 282.62485384 RDD
Identificador de transacción: 6bb1453a1a02ea1ddeb8061d8510394599e27aaec580ff72661276029bb850a9-000
No, i cant see in live.reddcoin.com the transaction
now I am doing a -reindex as I have seen in another thread and this in 6 years 2 weeks
Thx for the help
Please check this first: is the address you sent the RDD to, still the same address you have on Litebit?
Addresses on exchanges can change, please make sure it’s still your address.
If it’s not the same, let me know.
If it is the same address, then continue from here:
Let it finish the -reindex. Then exit/close Reddcoin Core.
And then update to update to the latest version: v3.10.3. You can download it from: https://download.reddcoin.com/bin/reddcoin-core-3.10.3/.
After updating, open Reddcoin Core. If it’s syncing, wait until it completes.
Let me know if you still have the issue after the update.
Okay. Thanks for the help. When I complete the steps I will tell you what happened. Greetings
Just to make sure, I am repeating it:
Check if your RDD address on Litebit is the same as the address you sent the RDD to… And let me know.
the address in litebit to send my coins: Rskrz3uLWkNnSCzRDcdmrqRxUsX9yoY6mY
Which operating system are you using? Linux, macOS, Windows?
What is the status of the -reindex?
And what is the status of your issue? Still not received?
In that case, a -zapwallettxes=1
woul be wise.
Will tell you what to do, but waiting for the answers first.
THX YAVUZ, i can move my coins now. Really thanks you.
merhaba yavuz selim
benimde bir sorunum var rdd masaüstü soğuk cüzdandan bittrex hesabıma 25 kasımda gönderdiğim coinler halen hesabıma geçmedi bittrex ekibide böyle bir transfer görünmüyor diyor. cüzdanımda baktığım zaman herşey normal gönderilmiş ama bitrex göremiyor bunu ne yapabilirim yardımcı olur musun…??
cinlerimi hesabımda göremiyorum 1 hafta oldu bittrex ekibide blockcainde görünmüyor diyor nasıl bir yol izlemem gerekiyor ne yapmam lazım yardımcı olur musun…?
Merhaba Mustafa,
Su an kullandigin Reddcoin Core versiyonu/surumu v2.x, dogru mu?
Hatanin olusma nedeni, kisacasi: Reddcoin bir kac ay once buyuk degisiklikler yapti, bu yuzden v2.x artik dogru calismiyor. Mecburen yeni versioyana, v3.x kullanman lazim.
TeamViewer programini bilir misin? Istersen sana uzaktan internet uzerinden yardim edebilirim. Bu sekilde problem cok daha cabuk cozulebilir.
Kullandigin bilgisayarin internetinde veri siniri var mi?
Eger yoksa, bu dosyayi (4 GB) simdiden indirebilir misin
merhaba yavuz selim evet 2.0 v du ama 3.0. versiyonu kurdum ve şuan 3.0.
ve ayrıca sınır yok göndermiş olduğun dosyayı indiriyorum
ve teamviever proramı var
Blok zincirini (blockchain) yeniden yuklemek gerekiyor, ve yaptigin muameleyi (transaction) yeniden yapman gerekiyor.
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(Sent a PM.)
çok teşekkürler yavuz_selim kardeşim sorunlarımın hepsi çözüldü. harika yardımın için çok teşekkürler. selamlar…
@Mustafa_Kaya’s issue has been solved.
- Updated to the latest version.
- Rescyned blockchain, used the bootstrap file.
- -rescan + -zapwallettxes=1 (for the stuck transaction).
- Balance restored.
When sending, the ‘smart fee’ didn’t work. Tried making a transaction a few times, but due to too low fees, didn’t go through.
Solution was to select ‘custom’ fee, with 1 RDD as total fee.
I see you are an expert on recovering lost coins. I sent 1000 coins from Bittrex back to my red coin wallet and they arrived no problem. I then sent my remaining balance to the exact same address five minutes after and the coins never arrived although the transaction is confirmed on the block chain. Not sure what to do now.