Gnasher Okay thank you for the fast response !
All a part of the service
I added my address to my settings.
AtteJ 6
djsteveoh werdff It doesnt seem like you have added addresses to your profiles
Yea I’m also curious about the meaning/importance of the millionth block. Btw I’m making my way to millionaire in Reddcoin Currently have 850k. I bought my coins when the price is around 15satoshi.
brosco22 Make sure you add your Reddcoin address in the PROFILE settings on this website then people can tip you!
AtteJ You need to have your QT Wallet open and unlocked for staking…then you need to have your Reddcoin wallet address in your PROFILE settings on this website so people can tip you easily on this website
djsteveoh Please make sure you are using the QT wallet and its unlocked for staking.
ALSO make sure your Reddcoin wallet address is filled in on the PROFILE section of this websites settings
Jybrael Make sure you are using the QT wallet and that its unlocked for staking. Make sure you fill in the PROFILE section of this website with your Reddcoin wallet address so you can get tips easily
DXPetti Make sure you are using the QT wallet and that its unlocked for staking. Make sure you fill in the PROFILE section of this website with your Reddcoin wallet address so you can get tips easily
16 thats great )
stake stake stake steak stake
hey thanks a lot guys
batch 7
okodoko 8
The love for rdd is still here. thank you
bluemnoda 9
Thank you very much sir! 1 million blocks and rdd moving forward sounds great
baravboom 10!