1.000.000 Reddcoin giveaway (millionth block edition)

Early christmas present in anticipation of the millionth block will be shared with the first hundred posters = 10.000 pr poster!

This is to make sure as many people as possible have a chance to catch the million Reddcoin prize Gnasher has announced, because you need som coins to be able to stake :slight_smile: !

Excellent Mr Redd
And a reminder, that you need the QT wallet for staking.

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Sweet! Let’s get staking

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Awesome let the staking begin. I want to stake this coin so much but I don’t know what amount is profitable. but hopefully soon I will have a good amount to stake with. :slight_smile:

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Jybrael All QT WALLETS that are UNLOCKED for staking and have mature coins stake at the same rate. the more the wallet is online and securing the network the more chances you have of gaining a reward. 5% is the minimum amount in practice you can earn up to 20% overall.

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I leave mine staking 24/7.
Can someone explain the importance of the millionth block?

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prompt on my wallet was 100000000 and have it on me what I should do

Awesome sauce!

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I wonder how I participate in this giveaway.

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Redd sounds fun!

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Hi, I’m New to redd coin but would like to become involved?
I have a wallet for redd and listed its address below.

How do i get some free coins to start up??

I appreciate the tips!!!

Hope everyone has a good holiday/xmas!!

My redd wallet address:



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Thats right! :slight_smile:
Gnasher 1

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Jybrael 2 :slight_smile:

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DXPetti can you post your address I am having some problems sending to you!

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Redshift 3 :slight_smile: !

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strerd 4!!!

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helraizr 5

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brosco22 5!!!

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Gnasher Hey Gnasher I am having some troubles with the tipping function, it seems like I cant click half the tip-icons, I have tried reloading on Safari, Chrome and Mozilla with the same profiles not being tip-able am I doing something wrong?

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If the profile doesnt have a Redd address, then the link will not be clickable.
That is, everyone should add a redd address into their forum profile.

If the link is blue, like yours… it should work.
If the link is black, then the user needs to add an address.

eg user DXPetti shows to me as a not clickable tip button.
If you hover over the button, it will show a popup “user does not have a tip address”