Android Electrum wallet coming soon

Why is the Android Electrum wallet on not linked to Because it is a multi-wallet, not only for reddcoin?

because that’s not an official wallet

An official wallet is on development at least is what Development team has in mind.

Dev recreational team and not the official one is working on something:
There is a fork from conomi wallet has a reddcoin only version, this is not fully tested… and not available on the app store. the fork was made by lioneye on github.

I have been lurking with a variation from that but I’m not comfortable with submitting it to the app store… it has to be cleaned before. It stills has a lot of other currencies loading in background…

And pulls some data from conomi…

Me and iisurge had been changing some code but we are still in infancy… Let’s see if we can realese somteing “before” the oficial app.

We have to have in mind that due to PoSV 2.0 the protocol could behave diferently… and the app will also change as well the seed integration could not be the same… So it will only serve until the new protocol arives. I’m I wrong, laudney?