Chrome Wallet no more?

Well, I have not been here much in the past several months. Come back to see one of the devs has quit. and to find out when searching for the chrome wallet it does not seem to be listed in the store anymore. Which is sort of minor issue since I had it still in my browser and sent some coins to it was going to play around a little with it. So I send 20k to it. It has been over a day and no coins. I go to look at the store details page to see if maybe needed an update and it says cannot be found anymore.

So is the chrome wallet defunct now? So 20k just lost to the void forever?

The development for the wallet is ongoing, however tralf has been slowed down in being able to complete everything.
I know the version that was in the app store (not aware that it was removed - but it was a beta) had a few bugs, one of which was updating the balance when you send
As long as you dont lose your keys, your coins are not lost forever.
Hopefully tralf can add some insight to progress

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When you go search for it in the store it does not show up anymore. only the tipbot platform, rdd companion show up listed. If you go to the extensions page in the browser and click details then view in store it says cannot be found or was removed by author. So if ever gets removed I am not sure how anyone would ever get their coins back at that point.

Drakona totally agree
In this case we really need tralf to provide an update

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Drakona your coins are not lost you have your private keys still…for what its worth if you have a valid Redd address I will send you some coins to help you along until this gets sorted out . I see this RcysUhi9XmCi5B5o5nF7eYwKDTT4zz19j5

If thats the address for your Chrome wallet please send me one for your QT or other client and I will send them along

Redshift I recently had to reinstall windows… so have to reinstall qt wallet and let it sync again. luckily I have my wallet dat for that one so still have all my addresses for it. Just have to get it to resync.

I managed to still have the chrome wallet because all my settings were snyced with chrome and it reinstalled the wallet and all my other extensions when I re installed chrome.

so maybe it still exists within their database just cannot be searched for or something.

when I get the qt wallet reinstalled and back in sync I will post the rdd addy then. or change it on here to what it would be.

Or I could give you my eobot rdd addy or cryptsy rdd addy if you wished.

Drakona Post a valid address when you have one and I will send some coins along

Redshift RcysUhi9XmCi5B5o5nF7eYwKDTT4zz19j5 is my address to my qt wallet. it still needs to finish syncing though but has been used before so I know it is good and still works.

OK I will send some coins along.

Drakona Status: 1/unconfirmed, broadcast through 12 nodes
Date: 26/08/2015 13:07
To: Drakona RcysUhi9XmCi5B5o5nF7eYwKDTT4zz19j5
Debit: -25 000.00 RDD
Net amount: -25 000.00 RDD
Transaction ID: 8e88ebc3ad92f2d6833af43ad1f42fe1f8a0ed4c796fe4c4c46166b8003861aa

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Drakona If you got the coins it would be nice to know.

Redshift On second thoughts I know you got the coins.

Still having to wait for the wallet to resync my dsl connection is slow so is taking a long time. I still have 44 weeks yet before it is fully resync’d. When it finish’s and is confirmed I will be glad to let you know.

I tried using the electrum wallet that was available once before but it never goes online anymore. So stuck waiting for the qt wallet to catch up instead.

Drakona been there done that…thank god for the bootstrap!

Never had luck with trying the bootstrap… my connection is spotty at times making downloading it fail all the time. which then when try to restart in ff it starts from the beginning again. so having to wait for the qt I guess.

edit: had to install the megadownload client… was finally able to get the bootstrap… now just have to wait for it finish importing blocks and then sync to current block height…

Voted and Thanks Staking staking staking

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Redshift Wallet finally caught up enough to show the coins you sent. so this is me saying I got them and thank you.

Drakona This is good news…slow going and back to staking is great news