Happy New Year!

As the new year approaches (or has already been for some Reddheads!), I just wanted to wish all of you Reddheads a Happy New Year! May 2018 be your year and may it also be Reddcoin’s best year yet!!



This then may be a bit cheeky, I know, but I like the idea of New Year’s Good Turns - where you simply aim to go out of your way to do a few nice things for friends, family, and practical strangers in the New Year in an effort of paying it forward.

That being briefly explained, I’ve mentioned this before, but 2018 marks where we really kick off the fundraising for it - my World Scout Jamboree adventure! I need nearly £4,000 (currently about 500k RDD! to achieve this!) I (sadly) won’t be able to fund all of this through Reddcoin, but I am to get some funding through donations in Reddcoin - not only will it help me and my group, but it would also look amazing for Reddcoin if the community donated for this sort of a project!

I’d like to end by saying Happy New Year again and reaching out to everyone here with this plea! I wish everyone here the best in 2018 and if you would like to donate to us for this adventure, the address to use is RpYhCi46BuqXG7URvczXXgqFH6s5ddVb7e