How to set up REDD ID?!?!?

I am so confused of how to set up my REDDID!?!?! In order to gain adoption of this, there needs to be VERY clear steps on how people can do this. No matter where I go, its a dead end. Ive added the extensions on my google account but thats as far as I can seem to get. I want this to take off, both as a content creator and an investor of RDD, however being somewhat techincal, and I can’t even figure out how to set up a REDDID?

FatTony Your post/response was deleted??

ejolicoeur Are you a part of the Redd-ID slack group? That’s the best troubleshooting place, and it’s just about live 24/7.

I’ll have an admin get you an invite.

Be sure that you own Reddcoin - I am pretty sure that there will be future enhancements that allow this directly in the extension. But for now you must have RDD - Reddcoin transferred to your new wallet that you create.

If you own RDD - Send it to your new wallet and then when you have the proper amount you can go through the Registration process.

“Don’t send anyone your Wallet info.”

Hope this helps.

CrtyptoIrv Yes i have RDD, how much needs to be in the wallet in order to go through the registration process? thats the next place that I am stuck. Man I really want this to take off, but it needs to be streamlined and more concise on the process. Anyone who is not tech savvy is never going to go through all of this to create their ReddID.

lvtion I am not a part of the REDD-ID Slack group. is slack an app? Im not familiar with this??

ejolicoeur Check your email you signed up to this forum, you should have received an invitation to join the Slack group. There’s a large Redd-ID focused chat there and we can help much quicker.

lvtion Thank you! Sadly I had Slack on my phone already! I am now in the Reddid public beta group. I have posted my current issues in the part of the ID creation process that I am in.
Ive never been this much of an early adopter before! Its cool, but certainly has its frustrations.