I get "No blocksourse available" when I try to update my core wallet.

I get “No blocksourse available” when I try to update my core wallet. Does anyone know why? I’ve done this before with no problems, Thanks.

I have never had a problem with any rdd wallet until today. I just downloaded a new wallet on a friends computer got same error/issue. I hope to get some answers/help soon for the problem.

I even tried to reinstall and got the same error. It"s frustrating as I want to get my REDD off of the exchange. The support for REDD seems to be lacking!

Did you guys try to delete or rename peers.dat?

Close the wallet, (recommened) rename the peers.dat to peers.dat.bak

Open the wallet again.

The REDD I sent to my wallet is in limbo because I can’t sync my wallet due to “no block source available.” I didn’t rename anything and I have no idea where peers.dat is located. I spent many hours on this. Its frustrating. It shouldn’t be this hard. I have Sia, PIVX, XLR ,and ADA wallets and I didn’t have any problems. This is bad news. Where is the REDD support?

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Hi guys,

I’m having the same problem. I installed the wallet about 6 weeks ago, and it’s been running fine until yesterday. When I booted up my PC and openend the wallet, I got the “no block source available” message. I’m now 37 hours behind in syncing it.

I have tried deleting the peers.dat file, and it didn’t work. I’ve also allowed connections in Windows fire wall. Is there some code we can put into a reddcoin.conf file that will direct the wallet to a good source?


bosco3 Hi Bosco - the peers.dat file is in your Reddcoin program folder.

If you are on a PC, it will be in the “roaming” subfolder of your “appdata” folder - which is a hidden folder, so you’ll need to type in the address in file explorer:

C:\Users\ (your name)\AppData\Roaming\Reddcoin

Thanks for the file location but since it didn’t work for you i’ll leave it for now. I’m 3+ weeks behind.

Hey Bosco - are you still having problems syncing your wallet? I fixed my issue. I went to this site: http://cryptochainer.com/dir/?page_id=365

From that page I downloaded the latest Reddcoin blockchain zip file. Now, since I didn’t need to copy the blockchain again and just needed to find a node to connect to, I copied the Peers.dat file in the zip folder and I saved over the existing peers.dat file in my Reddcoin folder in appdata.

When I first relaunched it didn’t work, but I kept it on for a bit and it found the peer nodes after several minutes. I think this is what fixed it unless it spontaneously began working again lol.

Buuut I think the fix was that I replaced a bad peers.dat file with a good one. Now I have 8 connections and I’m synced up.

Hope this helps you.