It's time to create a Reddcoin tip button and put it everywhere on Internet

rehctelf said:

Hey … it works! Someone just sent me 100 Redd. I am going to let it run on that page through the night to make sure everything continues to work correctly. If so, I’ll start rolling out for all of my authors through all of my sites. It likely won’t amount to much for them right now, but it costs me nothing to have it on there …

Yeah it works for me on you’re site!


rehctelf said:

Naro Awesome … thanks! For tracking purposes, I will create separate wallet addresses for each of my sites so that I can get a better idea of what kind of click through each site will get. I assume that when I roll it out on some of my tech sites I will receive a higher response rate than on the non-tech sites. It will be interesting to see the actual percentage of users that tip and how that number raises over the next couple of years. I am sure it will be EXTREMELY low right now, if any at all. But I’ll keep good records and post the numbers on a regular basis …

Sounds awesome and it sounds like you have quite an audience. Maybe some sort of coordinated effort to introduce you’re users to crypto would be a good idea?

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For any website admins, here’s a little bit of code for your button if you want to track geographically, OS, time, etc. You MUST have the Google Analytics code already installed on your site/server for it to track.

I placed in CAPS, the areas you must insert your own code/info.

<a href="reddcoin:ADDRESS" onClick="ga('send', 'event', { eventCategory: 'REQUIRED-CATEGORY', eventAction: 'REQUIRED-ACTION-NAME', eventLabel: 'OPTIONAL-TITLE'});"><img src="BUTTON"></a>

"eventCategory" and “eventAction” are required for this to work.

NOTE : Only has been tested with the standard QT wallet.

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cyberfy And don’t forget to add the meta tag to your page:

<meta name="reddcoin:address" content="RYwP99pkYxzXMjNRVti2FUpxdMJWoQL7iB">

If the meta tag is on a page the button will look like this:


ReddcoinRocks Sorry, I forgot to state that I posted it for the QTWallet. I’ll edit that.

Break the internet!


Lowww no, don’t break it… i need it :slight_smile:


I need it too!, but yeah break it for a little bit, Im about to go shopping with my fiance. This wont be quick…

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rehctelf you know that people need to buy in order to tip…

If it is just a tip button and people don’t get it they will not tip any… the learning curve is somehow difficult. :smiley:

Thanks for your help in this exposure, since you are doing this without anything in return! :wink:

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I’ve put a button here :, and I will ask my friends to put tip buttons on their blogs and social networks, as soon as the chrome wallet is considered to be released (no more in beta test).

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rehctelf Yes I agree with your opinion. Free products or free services are the ones we should aim… and most of the people will not tip after paying for anything. I was refereeing to buy Reddcoins not products some we sellredd is the only processor right now.

My sincere opinion is that will take time for people to understand.
Faucets are kind of awesome to start!

How to get some more Reddcoins to tip? You need to buy some RDD.

hehehe :slight_smile:

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To those who are using angular.js:

If you bind a reddcoin address to a link in the following fashion:

<a href="reddcoin:{{address}}">{{name}}</a>

angular.js adds an unsafe: prefix to the url and you will get an url like this:


to avoid this issue you have to whitelist the reddcoin uri scheme:

angular.module('myModule', [], function ($compileProvider) {

rehctelf the quantity of ads a page normally has people don’t really get to note new things.

The subconscious part of the brain is aware right on the second time, but the conscious part of the brain only starts to notice 10 times after.

If people aren’t that aware of things of the brand it self (witch is the case) the conscious part just says is advertisement.

It very difficult to target audiences online just by ads today because of this fact…

I’m making an aproach on social media by retweeting content creators… by the way don’t you have an online presence on twitter?

EDIT: I had already found it! :smiley:

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rehctelf Yes, we need that online place with all merchant and communities that accept Reddcoins listed.

Another point someone needs to solve is the headache to choose a wallet 9 options is too many.


  • First video, instead of rolling down.

Appears a screen saying start Tipping now!
Asks: Operating system or I just want to try: Browser wallet)
Finally: Level of simplicity
- I would like to receive my 5% with full experience : Reddwallet
- I’m like it raw: QT wallet

This will be very important once a stable version of the Browser wallet is out.

developers laudney Reddcoin I left here a suggestion… :wink:

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