Hi all as alot of people have been telling me the sync time is taking too long I have created a bootstrap upto 15th Jan 2018 you can download at https://1drv.ms/u/s!AgL-ifFkMPz5pluPJZjOleJnV6lX or the devs can pop it on the site.
so you should see in the bottom left of the wallet importing blocks from disk this will take about 2-3 hrs but then it should be done better then waiting a whole week to sync
I’m running Reddcoin core on an outdated version of OS X (10.11), it crashed twice while syncing, and OS X must’ve restarted itself yesterday, but my fears were absolved when I opened up the wallet again and staking did not lose any progress. I imported the previous bootstrap file from a long time ago, and it only took me 2 days (after the crashes) to fully sync.