New online store that accepts Reddcoin

Hi. My name is Isabela and as my first business I have created a manufacturing unit and an online store that deals only through cryptocurrencies. As of today, I have added support for Reddcoin. I’ve been an employee for far too many years and it meant a lot of work with little reward. Hopefully I’ll do better on my own. Please check out the mission of our company here:
If it resonates and you like any of our products for yourself or for someone else, go ahead and purchase it. Also, any feedback is valuable and makes a difference.

Hi GoBelle,

Congratulations on your new store - looks great!

Inspired to see someone launch a new cryptocurrency e-commerce website. I am working on something similar myself.

I’m going to hook up with you via social media and tweet / post to promote your shop.

I’m not sure if you follow posts on here / Reddit regularly but there are major new features in the pipeline for Reddcoin and these will certainly be appealing for e-commerce.

For the time being we have begun testing on a new version of the Reddcoin wallet, which is based on Bitcoin as opposed to Litecoin (the original template used to create Reddcoin).

Good luck!

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Thank you so much! It means a lot to me. Good luck with everything!