I have just finished a BETA version of my new project. The website is called reddcoin@ (reddcoin at) and targets mainly content creators and users.
I have tried to combine multiple ideas. A simple tutorial, a faucet to reward content creators and a database of sites and services that are accepting reddcoin.
The page is still in an early stage but I hope you get the idea.
I am confident that the reward approach will help to grow reddcoin’s user-base and motivate more content creators to add reddcoin support to their websites. to keep this idea going in a long term, I NEED YOUR SUPPORT. please contribute some coins to the faucet (address in the page footer) to keep the reward thing going.
99% of your donations will directly go to content creators and 1% will be used to cover some expenses (server costs, development of new ideas, promotion, …)
It’s an exclusive preview for the reddcointalk.org community. please don’t share the link with others outside this community.
I’m looking forward to your feedback and hope you can help refining the tutorial steps, texts and information on this page!
feel free to add your own website to the database and receive 1,000 RDD!
Mobile support, FAQ-Page and some other features are still in development.
Responsive Layout (Mobile Support)
FAQ Page
HTML-decoding of website-title and description
I have changed the donation address to one that is under my control, but you won’t be able to receive coins after 2015/02/19
Elkan Thanks for your feedback… The style works currently only in desktop browsers/large screens
Mobile support, FAQ-Page and some other features are still in development.
all: I have to roll out a hotfix. Page will be down for 5 minutes
livefromheaven Ouups… in europe… 1.000 == one-thousand and 1,00 == one. I will change that. The current reward is 1,000.00 RDD
Donations are always welcome!
Wonderful job, ReddcoinRocks!
You will build up a great website database http://beta.reddcoin.at/#/explore
which willl participate in broadcasting the project s offer, and make Reddcoin gain momentum.
ReddcoinRocks Cool site…I just added my personal blogging site no prob, worked great and got my 1k of Reddcoin (thanks very much). Oh, and your http://Reddcoin.Rocks site is awesome, I use it daily! :o)
You can now add comments to each website. The comments are moderated. If anyone want to volunteer as a mod, that would be great! (Just leave me a message in private chat)
…to switch from ReddAPI to an alternative. The problem is not the ReddAPI shutdown, to make this clear (there was a huge timeframe to make the switch)… I just had a lot of work lately and no time to work on a new payment backend yet.
If you want to use reddcoin.at or you currently support the page like Oliver and reddibrek who were so kind to support the idea by sharing the beta link on social networks, please stop sharing the link, because after the final shutdown of ReddAPI the page won’t be able to pay out the promised 1.000RDD. I may switch to a temporary downtime status page but on the other side (keep in mind it’s still beta software) I would like to keep up the beta site to receive more feedback from the community until I find the time to finish the layout and functionality. Please help me with this decision. Would it be better to shut down the page until the faucet functionality is reimplemented or should we continue the beta test? I won’t be able to complete the page before april. I also don’t want to release the page before the browser wallet is ready. So there is still some time for testing and time for feedback to be considered for further developments.
If you didn’t already noticed, there is now a Disqus based feedback system on reddcoin.at where you can give your feedback about the websites listed on reddcoin.at. I’m also looking for moderators who have the time and commitment to keep the discussion fair and spam free. You will of course need some redd street credibility to join the team.