/r/GetFairShare and Reddcoin

A few weeks ago a new cryptocurrency-related project called GetFairShare appeared on Reddit. If you’ve visited the Reddcoin subreddit recently you may have seen some posts about www.reddit.com/r/GetFairShare, as the Reddcoin community has been an active part of the project.

What is www.reddit.com/r/GetFairShare?

The general term “Fairshare” describes a concept involving some high-minded ideas based around distributing a Basic Universal Income to anyone who wants to participate. More information on the subject can be found at www.reddit.com/r/fairshare.

www.reddit.com/r/GetFairShare is the only implementation of this concept at present and uses cryptocurrencies to distribute money to Reddit users. For the purpose of this post I am only writing about the www.reddit.com/r/GetFairShare implementation and how it relates to Reddcoin.

How does it work?

Reddit’s implementation of “Fairshare” takes place at www.reddit.com/r/GetFairShare, where daily topics are created to distribute donated cryptocurrencies.

Reddit users can donate to /u/politicbot using any cryptocurrency which has a tipbot. Each day a daily topic is created at www.reddit.com/r/GetFairShare and 10% of the donated coins are split amongst all users who post in that topic. Only the top three coins (by donation value calculated in BTC) are distributed in order to encourage donation and to keep the number of currencies being disseminated in check. Reddcoin is currently at #3.

Why should Reddcoin participate?

www.reddit.com/r/GetFairShare has really been catching on. Each day hundreds of Reddit users post in the daily topic and receive RDD. Many of these users are just discovering Reddcoin for the first time. Our presence there is a great opportunity to promote Reddcoin in a way that people will appreciate.

How can I help?

It’s important that we keep Reddcoin in the top 3 currencies so that distributions are sent out everyday. This is a centralized process that requires trust, but I firmly believe that in this case the risk is well worth taking.

Donating RDD to /u/politicbot is the most direct way to help. Be sure to keep your eyes open for people asking about Reddcoin in the daily posts at www.reddit.com/r/GetFairShare too. I’ve seen several people ask for more information on Reddcoin there.

Edit: clarity and accuracy, added wiki link

More info: https://www.reddit.com/r/GetFairShare/wiki/index

GrayPhoenix Using it myself, its a great project!

I notice you write “and 10% of the donated coins are split amongst all users who post in that topic”

Where are the rest 90% going?

Convertor said:

GrayPhoenix Using it myself, its a great project!

I notice you write “and 10% of the donated coins are split amongst all users who post in that topic”

Where are the rest 90% going?

They remain in the pot for future distributions. That way the balance doesn’t run out.

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GrayPhoenix ah okay thanks… Was trying to find the information about how they are distributed, but couldn’t find much info about it.

Holding a donation drive over on the subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/reddCoin/comments/33apl2/rgetfairshare_community_drive/

Just sent another 250000 RDD to /u/politicbot. 200+ people are receiving distributions each day now.