rdd game - giveaway experiment 100000rdd

Hi reddheads!
I just had an idea today and I want to make it real.
I want to start a giveaway share game.
It is easy!

I will send 100k rdd to the first unique rdd address will be posted.

The one who will receive the coins has to edit his post and add his transaction id.
Then he has to send the rdd’s to the next unique address posted but he keeps 500 rdd for himself and so on.

-the address has to be unique, every sender has to check at http://live.reddcoin.com/ that the address has no traffic (if not, pass to the next post).
-every user can receive once.
-the next address post to send the rdd’s must not have date before receiving confirm edit.


let’s do it!

P.S. whoever keeps all the amount for himself will become the black sheep of the community :stuck_out_tongue:

What could possibly go wrong?

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The problem is that you will lose your coins after the flow of hand.

I for example have more than 10 addresses in the wallet and once I make a transaction to send the others 99500rdd they will not come from the adress that was recieved in the first place…

If you want to follow the money it is dificult…

To test trust between peers this is a good exercise, though :slight_smile:

PS; Add to the rules section: after send publish Transaction id.

Yes, I know that.
I already noted about publishing the tx id.

Lol I see there is no interest so the “game” is over for now.

If anyone want to start over or have a better idea post bellow…