ReddAPI - any update?

ReddAPI is shutting down and laudney said something about the “official API” and that he’s going to make some tutorials on how to use it… any update on this?
I’m running a faucet and the time until ReddAPI shuts down is slowly running out…

Imro you could set up reddcoind on your server or use an rpc api to Connect to a wallet elsewhere possibly even on your pc if you choose.

I don’t own a server nor am I willing to leave my pc turned on 24/7…

Imro said:

ReddAPI is shutting down and laudney said something about the “official API” and that he’s going to make some tutorials on how to use it… any update on this?
I’m running a faucet and the time until ReddAPI shuts down is slowly running out…

If you can fill me in on what you want to do, I might be able to direct you to some info to help you out before Reddsight API documentation is available.

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bigreddmachine said:

Imro said:

ReddAPI is shutting down and laudney said something about the “official API” and that he’s going to make some tutorials on how to use it… any update on this?
I’m running a faucet and the time until ReddAPI shuts down is slowly running out…

If you can fill me in on what you want to do, I might be able to direct you to some info to help you out before Reddsight API documentation is available.

Well, basically just want to keep the site running as it was until now. More than 150~ transactions every day (>2200RDD) is something I consider vital for RDD users and people getting involved into RDD.

In the worst scenario, I’d just rewrite the code so the RDD would stake until a certain amount and then I’d send the RDD manually, though the magic of INSTANTLY getting RDD after typing the captcha is what makes the faucet unique.

On the other hand, it’s just a faucet, so I may wait for the Reddsight API documentation after all. Up to you mate! :slight_smile:

Imro said:

bigreddmachine said:

Imro said:

ReddAPI is shutting down and laudney said something about the “official API” and that he’s going to make some tutorials on how to use it… any update on this?
I’m running a faucet and the time until ReddAPI shuts down is slowly running out…

If you can fill me in on what you want to do, I might be able to direct you to some info to help you out before Reddsight API documentation is available.

Well, basically just want to keep the site running as it was until now. More than 150~ transactions every day (>2200RDD) is something I consider vital for RDD users and people getting involved into RDD.

In the worst scenario, I’d just rewrite the code so the RDD would stake until a certain amount and then I’d send the RDD manually, though the magic of INSTANTLY getting RDD after typing the captcha is what makes the faucet unique.

On the other hand, it’s just a faucet, so I may wait for the Reddsight API documentation after all. Up to you mate! :slight_smile:

Im working on setting up a faucet as well. Ill be looking into the whole API thing this weekend so if I figure anything out ill let ya know.