Reddcoin Official Telegram Group - Tip in chat

Dear community,

So of you may not be aware to the size of our Telegram community, it has been growing rapidly day by day and is currently sitting at 1050 approximate members. We are looking for more to join us, so please do pop on in and feel free to tip other’s through utilising Reddbot. Maybe it will come back to you due to your generosity, which i’m sure it will. The only parameter to be met to operate Reddbot efficiently is having a registered Telegram username, which can done on the top left of the Telegram client by selecting your settings. Then progressing to the username option and filling out your own custom name.

To start to use Reddbot you’ll need to deposit some Reddcoin, which you can do by using the /deposit command. This will output an address to where you’ll send some funds for tipping expenditures, this wallet is not recommended to use as a storage device. It is only to act as a medium for the funds until it reaches the other party. To find out more use the /help & /commands options which, will list all available commands and the format to use when tipping another user.

Telegram Chat ->

Reddbot Username -> Reddcoin_bot

If you have any questions just shoot them at me, hope you can join for some chit-chat.


Update: Added fiat value of balances & and a /marketcap command to show the current market capitalisation of Reddcoin.

as a little question is there a way to get same logins for tipbot on telegram/twitter/twitch = :wink:

derghost for now unfortunately not, that’s where Redd-ID will come in providing a decentralised network!