We are happy to announce that Reddcoin social wallet is now open source under GNU Licence v2. It’s a cross-platform desktop application written in Javascript, based on nodewebkit and AngularJS frameworks. Although it has some compatibility issues under Mac OS X and some other outstanding issues, it’s an excellent attempt at improving the Qt wallet with a better GUI and social functionalities.
We welcome Reddheads to help improve it and add more desirable features. Happy hacking!
The social wallet is beautifully designed and certainly unprecedented in the ocean of alt-coin QT wallets out there. The aesthetics alone speak highly for Reddcoin and will undoubtedly inspire confidence in newcomers.
“The ocean of alt-coin QT wallets” basically contains nothing but copycats (or fork-and-forget). Dev team of such an extremely high quality as what we Reddheads have almost non-exists.
ReddcoinRocks IIRC there are some issues related to launching the Mac OS X reddcoind and communicating with it. There is also the question of 32 or 64-bit.
BigMapIdea I could be wrong but I believe the windows version was released officially but the dev who managed it left. Ive used the reddwallet for a few months now
Naro I think they took it down because it is still a bit buggy… It was very misleading as saying Reddwallet was the “complete wallet experience”, and me being new totally downloaded that one instead of the QT. First of all, it didn’t have any indication when it was done syncing, so I was just confused why my wallet said 0 even when I bought some reddcoin, and then little things just didnt work, like the address names not being correct in the transactions, and also staking didn’t seem to work for me. I’m definitely glad they removed it for now!
Naro I think they took it down because it is still a bit buggy… It was very misleading as saying Reddwallet was the “complete wallet experience”, and me being new totally downloaded that one instead of the QT. First of all, it didn’t have any indication when it was done syncing, so I was just confused why my wallet said 0 even when I bought some reddcoin, and then little things just didnt work, like the address names not being correct in the transactions, and also staking didn’t seem to work for me. I’m definitely glad they removed it for now!
Yeah if thats the reason then im all for it, BTW Reddcoin the game is misspelled in your sig