ReddcoinTalk - A Home For All Things Redd

Hey, ReddHeads!
Pick a topic and start a thread below, or respond to someone else. The biggest crown jewel of ReddCoin’s ecosystem has always been that we have ReddHeads everywhere…let’s make this something to be proud of!!

The site is our long-time home and a source of quite a bit of history and insight into where Redd has come from…we’d love to activate our Redd energy and awesome community and turn the site into a vision of the future of Redd and where all stakeholders see our chain, products and strategic goals.
Or you can dig through the history here and on our subreddit
Create some new content, even! :slight_smile:

We want to hear from you, we want to work with you, we want to make RDD as popular and easy to use as we all know it can be. Speak up, step up, and do your part with all of us to bring out the amazing features and qualities of ReddCoin and Project Redd for those jsut arriving in the crypto space, as well as those who’ve been here forever.

Let’s Paint The World Redd!!