
Any hope for Reddwallet development in the future? It has a very beautiful GUI which certainly will draw in mainstream users by aesthetics alone.

While the rest of the world is working off a QT fork, a working Reddwallet would really set us apart.

marvelousform your trying to tease more information :slight_smile:
Road map is scheduled for release soon

While I agree a more practical and beautiful wallet is required.
QT Core is functional, but…


I think that our present website is incredibly appealing. I personally love the way our web presentation is laid out. The Reddcoin website is definitely a beautiful representation of what our platform will become, I believe. As our developers improve on all other tech related things we will definitely carve for ourselves a competing micro and social x tipping currency. So looking forward for these developments to take shape and bring the caliber we need to the Reddcoin platform.

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Reddcoin установке основного программного обеспечения

Удалите старый кошелек
Установить новый кошелек
Почему нельзя сначала установить новый кошелёк и только потом, удалить старый? И обязательно нужно делать обновление кошелька?

Alex007 It isn’t our responsibility to translate your language into the primary language of this forum: English.

So you should assume many people will never know what you say.

Alex007 said in Reddwallet:

Reddcoin установке основного программного обеспечения
Удалите старый кошелек
Установить новый кошелек
Почему нельзя сначала установить новый кошелёк и только потом, удалить старый? И обязательно нужно делать обновление кошелька?

The reason is, there are files and settings that need to be removed before installing the new wallet

Gnasher Я загрузил новый кошелёк, не удалив старый. Пока, всё работает.

marvelousform Во всех браузерах, уже давно есть переводчики, которые автоматически переводят на тот язык, который является разговорным, для страны проживания.

Alex007 said in Reddwallet:

Я загрузил новый кошелёк, не удалив старый. Пока, всё работает.

Thanks Alex.
I would not expect problem. Just make sure you use the correct wallet.

Gnasher Надписи больше нет, что кошелёк надо обновить.

The wallet waits for synchronization for hours saying “no block source available”. Is it a technical problem or it is just about a too small network?

Vanamonde a couple of things to try

check the dnsseed is reachable ( using ping
This is the main node to retrieve peers from

also if you know how, you could try


and see that it returns a list of ip addresses.

Try deleting peers.dat and restarting the wallet

Failing the above, is you can manually add a couple of nodes to kick start the discovery process
from the debug console
addnode add
addnode add

My goal is to get a couple of more dnsseed nodes running to help support the peer discovery

Gnasher Pinging has showed no problems with ten packages sent, ten returned and zero lost. Then it still occurred to me to try changing the vpn server in my vpn-client, and it works. Anyway thank you for your help!

Vanamonde excellent work. Glad you identified the problem

May be it makes a sense to provide for an automatic “only for staking” unlocking option . What is the point to have automatic start if you need manual unlocking for staking anyway.

In the 1.4.1 wallet, the wallet NEEDED to be encrypted, and it would not stake until you unlocked it
This was a requirement in v1.4.1

For v2.0.0
I modified the criteria so that the wallet did not need to be encrypted for staking to be active.
It would also detect the network was available and blockchain was fully downloaded
(seems to make sense, but was missing from v1.4.1)

There is no way to provide for an automatic unlock for staking (a password needs to be entered to unlock the wallet)

Overall, i think having your wallet encrypted is the more safe option.

If you do want to run a unencrypted wallet so it will stake automatically.
It would require to export each private key from your current wallet, and import to a new unencrypted wallet

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