Hi everyone,
I had coins in my v2 Reddcoin core wallet and ordered more coins. Unfortunately I did not receive them, even though transaction got confirmed.
I made a backup of my v2 wallet and upgraded my wallet to v3. Still it didn’t show any new coins in my wallet, so I removed all the data from my home folder to resync. While doing that, I encrypted/closed my wallet for staking. (A warning showed up that backups wouldnt work). I didn’t do anything with my backup yet of my previous coins, hoping that after resyncing all of my coins would be there.
After resyncing zero of my coins are shown. Not any of the new or old ones. How can I fix this? Taking into account I still have the old wallet dat file which contains only the old coins, would that still work and how can I receive the new ones as well?
Thanks a lot for your support, feeling desperate now to fix this 
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Hi there, Michael.
There is a lot going on in your post:
- Expected transaction not showing up.
- Removed all data from “home” folder. (Why? What is “all”? What is “home”?)
- Encrypted the wallet. (Question is if it was a new wallet or not, because you have “removed all data from home folder”.)
- Resynced, transaction still didn’t appear. Balance is zero (might be because of “removing all data in home folder”).
- You still have the old wallet file (and hopefully a recent backup before you started doing the things you did).
There are a few things that need to be checked… Like, is the mentioned transaction visible on https://live.reddcoin.com?
I’ve helped many others here, on Reddit and Telegram. Would you be okay with me helping you remotely? This means that I will be able to see your screen and chat with you, using a software called TeamViewer QuickSupport. Seeing your screen will make things much easier and your issue should be solved much quicker.
Let me know if you agree with that. If you do, I will send you my Telegram account, which we can use to contact each other to setup the TeamViewer QuickSupport ‘meeting’. I will be able to see your screen and won’t take over your mouse or keyboard without your permission.
If you do not want it, I totally understand. In that case I will just write out the instructions so you can follow them. This will take much longer, as I (and anybody else that wants to help you) will need to understand the situation completely, so a lot of questions will be asked.
Hi Yavuz_selim!
Thank you for your reply. Please find my answers below.
- Expected transaction not showing up.
3 transactions are not showing up (all transactions I ever did). I have the receive address and network ID (txid) and exact rdd numbers, time and date. If you need one of these things, please let me know, thanks!
- Removed all data from “home” folder. (Why? What is “all”? What is “home”?)
I had emptied my C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Reddcoin folder, due the fact I found some message that this way it would resync the wallet.
- Encrypted the wallet. (Question is if it was a new wallet or not, because you have “removed all data from home folder”.)
After installing V3, I emptied the C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Reddcoin folder and re-run the executable which is still on my machine.
- Resynced, transaction still didn’t appear. Balance is zero (might be because of “removing all data in home folder”).
I think so, luckily I have a backup of that complete folder and can set it back if needed to retrieve all 3 transactions (which includes the last new one, which I never saw in my wallet).
- You still have the old wallet file (and hopefully a recent backup before you started doing the things you did).
Fortunately, I have a backup of the wallet V2 .dat file, wallet V3 .dat file + home folder.
All 3 transactions can be found on https://live.reddcoin.com
I would like to do this by messages on the forum. Thanks a lot for your support!
Okay, great detailed answers.
You didn’t had to empty the complete Reddcoin folder, only remove blocks
and chainstate
folders in it. When you removed everything, you also removed the wallet.dat file. This wallet.dat file is your wallet… So, after you removed it all the files and started Reddcoin Core, Reddcoin Core started with a new empty wallet.
Let’s take some steps…
Please verify that you are running Reddcoin Core v3.10.3. Open Reddcoin Core, go to Help (menu) → Debug window. You should see the version info there. Let me know if you are indeed running v3.10.3.
Exit/close Reddcoin Core. Make sure it is not running.
Go to your Reddcoin folder, the one with wallet.dat in it.
- Remove:
- Rename existing
to empty_wallet.dat
- Now, place the v2 wallet.dat file in this folder, make sure it is called
You sent the 3 transactions to an address in your wallet. Check if the receiving address is actually in your wallet, by opening Reddcoin Core → File (menu) → Receiving addresses. Let me know if the receiving address is in the list.
Yes, I have v3.10.3. It is already working with the steps you gave me, all coins of all 3 transactions are present! Thank you so much for your help.
I don’t know the technical details, but it seems that the V2 wallet.dat kept all information and V3 reddcore was able to read it properly 
I need help with a similar problem and i was hoping you would be about to help me recover my coins?
I naively transfers my coins from a V2 wallet to a V3 wallet and they never arrvied are they gone for good?
my transaction is not visible
on the chain
You need to:
- Make a backup of your wallet.
- Update to most recent version of Reddcoin Core.
- Make sure your blockchain is fully synced.
- Zapwallet - clean up your wallet by removing any unconfirmed transactions.
- The amount you have sent from v2 to v3 will be placed back into your wallet!
- Redo the transaction, this time with a small transaction fee of 0.1 RDD.
I have created guides for all these steps, currently for Windows only. See links below.
If you do not use Windows, let me know.
In the guides below, always do the backup step at the beginning. Do not skip the backup step!
- Update to most recent version: https://redd.yavuzselim.nl/windows/updating-reddcoin-core-to-a-newer-version/.
- Delete existing blockchain and resync blockchain: https://redd.yavuzselim.nl/windows/deleting-existing-blockchain-and-syncing-fully-again/.
- Zapwallet - cleanup wallet: https://redd.yavuzselim.nl/windows/cleaning-up-the-wallet-transactions/.
- Redo the transaction with a small transaction fee: https://redd.yavuzselim.nl/windows/adding-transaction-fees-to-a-transaction/.
Let me know if these steps have solved your issue.