State of the Redd-Nation :: December 24, 2016

Reddcoin Development Update - 24 Dec 2016

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Reddheads

A warm seasons greeting to all of you

And from each of us here on the Reddcoin Team, I would like to take this opportunity in wishing you, your families and loved ones all the best for the Christmas and Holiday period.
Where ever you are, and however you celebrate this time of year, be safe and be good to each other.

Christmas Reddcoin 2016

And now as the holiday season is upon us and 2016 prepares to give way to 2017, I would like to give our latest update of Reddcoin Development.

2016 has been quite an interesting year with lots of development throughout the crypto-sphere includign Reddcoin.

The highlights for Reddcoin during 2016 have been:

  • Release of Reddcoin Core v2.0 on August 5 (Reddcoin Github)
  • Presentation of the 2016-2017 Roadmap on September 30
  • Addition to Chinese exchange - Gobiw
  • Inclusion into a number of 3rd party projects including Exchanges, Wallets and Debit cards
  • Passing 1.5MM blocks generated

Overall, there is a lot of progress made behind the scenes. This is paving the way for the next round of Reddcoin and continuing to build the foundation. It is expected that throughout 2017 that these efforts will showcase all this good work.

Redd-ID is the social currency that rewards.

ReddID Development

Redd-ID is getting very close!!

All the pieces are finally coming together, and are being tested.
Along side this, I am working on an information portal to educate how it is all the pieces fit together.

New Team Member

It is with great pleasure that I can announce the addition of our latest team member PixelBin.

PixelBin has been a part of and around the Reddcoin community since the very early days. He has extensive experience in programming UI/UX and user facing web apps. His current Reddcoin related project is integrating Reddcoin as a payment channel, and I am sure he will provide some further details later.

PixelBin will be a fantastic asset through the next stages of the Reddcoin rollout.

Please do give him a warm welcome.

New Developer Channel

We have opened a new public slack channel to help fellow developer in their quest of programming excellence.

A number of community members have already joined who are already interfacing with Reddcoin into their projects.

Discussion is open to all aspects of coding, and we have skills across quite a number of disciplines

Email me if you would like an invite (john at redd dot ink) or you can access the direct link
Invitation is open to anyone (novice to master) interested in learning or helping.

Getting involved

We are a global community, and cross many borders but boundaries do not need to hinder us.

The crypto currency world has not reached its tipping point yet, but when it does, it is sure to escalate at an amazing rate. There are going to be many ups and downs, and an interesting ride for sure.

If you would like to get involved and dont know where to start, reach out and we will see where you can jump in Deadpool has a great Trello site going with activities that need looking at.

In Closing

Thank you everyone for a fantastic year.
It has been quite a ride, and I know in this arena things move fast, but I am confident that we now have solid platform on which to build.
There are lots of exciting projects out there, but none quite touch on the ideas I have in mind.

As always, there is still plenty to do, and there is no time for resting.

So where ever you are, enjoy the last weeks of the year, be safe and see you in 2017

Stake On!

(John Nash)

Merry xmas,
and thanks for the update


merry christmas @ developer team of reddcoin
there are always ways and means when you want to reach something
and i am very sure reddcoin will do
john is always on the ball and a good person
exactly how people want to see a head developer of a big project…
we believe in reddcoin
greets have fun with your families


I wish the whole community of Reddcoin a happy Christmas, may peace and happiness be in your hearts !!

To the new member of the development team PixelBin a very welcome to Reddcoin and a great success in your work!

May the year 2017 be a great year for each member and overall a year of success for Reddcoin.

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Thank you for the update, nice to get it on Scandinavian Christmas (24th), have bought a little more reddcoins and donated to the Red Cross :slight_smile: will donate some coins to the development fund tomorrow. Cheers!

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