Reddcoin Weekly Development Update
Welcome again Reddheads to another weekly update of Reddcoin Development.
Now that we have it up and running again, I will be posting this article on the Reddcoin Facebook page also.
So this last week we have really been getting on with the job:.
- Continuing testing of the wallet for network switching to v4 blocks on testnet
- Testing of wallet upgrade and downgrade options
- Translations continue to be submitted to Transiflex
- Writing up of release notes and other documentation
- Investigating the performance and behaviour of PoSV
New v2.0 Wallet and testing progress
During this last week, I have continued performing testing on both the switch-over logic from v3 to v4 blocks and wallet upgrade and downgrade processes.
The switchover using Super-Majority logic on testnet is performing very solidly. I have been pushing it with various scenarios by forking the network, and allowing the old fork to continue to propagate, and then bring the new wallets back online (with the majority network weight) to allow the network to find the right fork again.
It is quite exciting (in a geeky sort of way) to see the block chain re-organise the blocks, once the correct chain-tip is determined. This has all been working very well.
Testing the Reddcoin network continues using both the version 1.4.1 wallet and version 2.0.0 wallets.
Getting into the house maintenance with release notes and documentation being brought up to date.
Redd-ID status
The last few weeks I have put the Redd-ID development on hold so that I could focus on getting the major development works completed for the v2 wallet.
The wallet forms the foundation of the future development of most projects, so it is important that it gets completed. That said, I have a fairly good start on Redd-ID done already so it should progress along quite well. And it does give me time to explore some ideas.
Translations continue to be updated which is great to see. Thank you to all those who are contributing their time and effort.
Notable mentions go to:
Serkan34 Syar ricklopez hyoung elcryptotrader Maxamus Erkan_Yilmaz tecopos xDeadp00lx clickerz Kasvain collab lionzeye Ragnarice
Serkan34 continues to dominate on most of the languages by converting from the original Bitcoin tx to Reddcoin.
This is the running list of desired languages, and if you like you can also check the overall running list on transiflex here.
- French (100% completed
- Spanish (100% completed)
- Dutch (100% completed)
- German (99% completed)
- Chinese (99% completed)
- Turkish (99% completed)
- Swedish (98% completed)
- Danish (97% completed)
- Russian (97% completed)
- Italian (97% completed)
- Portuguese (96% completed)
- Icelandic (88% completed)
- Romanian (82% completed)
- Indonesian (81% completed)
- Hungarian (78% completed)
- Polish (46% completed)
- Ukrainian (44% completed)
- Tagalog (15% completed)
- Hindi (0% completed)
Performance of PoSV
I have been continuing to look at PoSV metrics this last week. A part of this is putting into a visual display to help visualise the performance over the last 2 years(almost). Current results are quite raw, so more details need to be extracted.
I am currently focussing on a method to extract the number of coins staking at any particular time. You would know that ‘NetworkWeight’ represents the overall difficulty and coins staking on the network, but it is not equivalent to the number of coins. It is actually a little more complex,as the weighting algorithm will skew the results depending on the age.
The results will help me determine some of the foundations for PoSV2.
Getting involved
We are a global community, and cross many borders but boundaries do not need to hinder us.
The crypto currency world has not reached its tipping point yet, but when it does, it is sure to escalate at an amazing rate. There are going to be many ups and downs, and an interesting ride for sure.
If you would like to get involved and dont know where to start, reach out and we will see where you can jump in Deadpool has a great Trello site going with activities that need looking at.
In Closing
There is still plenty to do, but I feel we are getting close to a public release. I have been holding off announcing a release until I feel confident that the integrity of the network will not be impacted.
I thank you all for your patience and support, it has been a long road, but the journey has been worth it.
So where ever you are, enjoy your week ahead
Keep on staking!