State of the Redd-Nation :: September 05, 2016

Reddcoin Bi-Weekly Development Update

Welcome again Reddheads to another weekly bi-weekly update of Reddcoin Development.

Firstly I would like to thank everyone who has made some contribution to the Fund-raising Drive. There have been some very generous donations. Your generosity will go a long way to help fund the ongoing improvement to Reddcoin and associated projects.

So after writing this news update weekly for the last 8 months, I am modifying its frequency so that my attention can be better placed. As much as I enjoy writing, as the title of this post reads, I am changing the frequency to bi-weekly (every 2 weeks). While you may find the regular updates informative or reassuring, I think now is the time to refocus my attention to where it is needed more.

As I work thought the first drafts of the road map, it becomes apparent that every hour becomes precious. The draft road map contains an ambitious set of features and time-line. Some of the ideas for the roadmap stem from the original proposal with a few adjustments while also incorporating some my own. Overall, it should create a cohesive environment for social network micro-transactions.

It has now been just over 3 weeks since the release of the v2.0 wallet and we have reached a couple of milestones.

  1. v2.0 wallet is now the majority client according to bitinfocharts
  2. v4 blocks are at 70% (BIP66 activation)

This is a timely reminder for you, that if you are staking, and you are on old clients, once the network reached 85% your blocks will not be valid and you will lose your stake reward.

Deployment of the new wallet was a milestone for Reddcoin development, and the new features in the wallet allow for the implementation of various blockchain based services.

It is now time to turn attention towards the future of Reddcoin …

Development Roadmap:

I will be publishing the new Reddcoin roadmap at the end of this month (September)

As I work through the drafts for the road map, I am excited for the future of Reddcoin. I have always had a vision for what Reddcoin could be, and committing those thoughts to paper (virtual) only solidify the direction.

In 2016 do the goals of Reddcoin still have a place?? Absolutely!

The goal of Reddcoin is NOT to be restrictive on the social network you choose to use. We want you to continue to use the platform of your choice. And while you are busy socialising there, and rewarding good content, Reddcoin will be the decentralised micro-donation mechanism that allows YOU to remain in control of your funds.

Now that the Reddcoin Core wallet has been released, and with a healthy vision for the future that the development community can be invigorated to become actively involved once again.

Developers Wanted:

Realising the task ahead, we are always on the look-out for new developers, If you have an interested in c++, js or python drop me a line, I have some interesting projects that need attention.

Development Fund-Raising:

Thankyou again to everyone who has so far contributed to the Reddcoin fund-raising. Your generosity is truly welcomed.

With the funds raised, the goal is to remain quite transparent as to when the funds are used.

Presently, we have them online and staking in order to help build up a healthy backing. But ultimately, the goal is to become self funding where stake rewards are covering the costs for each of the purposes.

Your donations and support help to drive Reddcoin’s future success!!

The collected funds, and the staking rewards are be used to cover various operational expenses (hosting services, email ,etc), advertising, supporting developers, and special promotions.

Donation Addresses

Purpose Address
Development Fund RaWe7UEQ1p2PYmdwbCxAThrq4GucNh3Q6s
Administration Fund RfmC2s2zUwkWT6cZNQiKQ6VN5xYVS3jE3V
Operations Fund RwjWKJMY6NNehGWvWRQqmUw7HTriD2GDEB


  • The Development Fund will help support the development team
  • The Administration Fund will help support the ongoing admin costs
  • The Operations Fund will help support the network infrastructure

International Community Expanding

Just a reminder to our international friends that there are new communities popping up.

If you have a desire for writing or blogging, let me know and i will give your site some promotion.

More recently we have had a forum come online based in China where the Reddcoin community is slowly gaining momentum. It is now at the point where a dedicated information site and forum tailored for the Chinese speaking users is needed.

Reddcoin China)

The other is an Italian Blogger who is working to bring all the Reddcoin news into native Italian. They have established:

Italian Facebook group and
Italian Reddcoin Community Blog

If you are interested in creating localised news and content for Reddcoin, I am interested to hear from you.

Things that are on my radar for the coming months.

With the new wallet operating exceptionally, these are the things that are now occupying my activities.

  • Roadmap 2106
  • Implementation of Redd-id
  • Tipping platform
  • Investigate PoSV2
  • Add improvements to Reddcoin Core wallet
  • Browser Wallet

Getting involved

We are a global community, and cross many borders but boundaries do not need to hinder us.

The crypto currency world has not reached its tipping point yet, but when it does, it is sure to escalate at an amazing rate. There are going to be many ups and downs, and an interesting ride for sure.

If you would like to get involved and dont know where to start, reach out and we will see where you can jump in Deadpool has a great Trello site going with activities that need looking at.

In Closing

Thank you for your patience.
I know in this arena things projects move fast, but I am confident that we now have a platform to move forward.
There are lots of exciting projects out there, but none quite touch on the ideas I have in mind.

As always, there is still plenty to do, and there is no time for resting.

So where ever you are, enjoy your week ahead

Keep on staking!

(John Nash)

Would be cool to be able to make a subscription based donation at some point, for now I will just remember to donate every time there is a bi-weekly development update :slight_smile: !

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Redd I agree that this would be cool also.
Subscription based payments have a lot of merit

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I sent a donation of 100 rrd to each adress, keep up ther good work!

John, I have looked everywhere for high caliber asset platforms and digital currencies and have invested in some with serious potential. I can now say, after reading your articles and the direction that Reddcoin is heading into, that this platform will succeed and in a very powerful way. I can tell that the community is well entrenched and that the development team is adding great features to the platform that will make it the success everyone is looking in a social currency. I am impressed and have decided to participate in this social currency platform. The social market is an ever growing market well over the $450 billion market cap and Reddcoin is positioning itself in such a way that we will capture this market little by little. There are other platforms that are already working on taking a bite out of this social market; Synereo is the largest one I am seeing right now but Reddcoin is and can be a very strong competitor in this arena. I am definitely aboard the Reddcoin train and looking forward to invest my time and money to help make this the success it can be.

I have written an e-book on Bitcoin and other high potential dc’s that will disrupt the current markets and now I would love to write about Reddcoin in my next book that I am currently working on. As soon as I get it done I will let you know. I may contact you with questions so that I can better understand your vision as you move forward with this platform.

My book title: Is Bitcoin for Me (Amazon)


altcoinbonanza Welcome!

altcoinbonanza welcome to our little patch on the net.

There is a lot of potential with what we are doing.

If you feel like reaching out, you can either post on the forum, or PM me
Happy to answer any queries you may have

I will be sure to check out your book

Thanks John. I will be sending you a message soon. I see that there is a great community here and that speaks volumes.

Great updates. I’m proud of Gnasher doing such a great job for Reddcoin and all community.

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