Hi there. Just wanted to share my proposal for bravenewcoin s latest challenge. Unfortunately I didn’t have a lot of time to work on it and explain things as they could (paparticularly I wanted to sketch things up and didn’t find enough spare time), but I believe this can be used as stash to elaborate.
Many thanks to Reddibrek who helped me to work on my english expressions… I hope you find the paper interesting and we can have a discussion about it.
I hope you can discuss these further with community members such as ReddcoinRocks , iisurge and Gnasher , who are working on fledgling projects that remind me of some elements evoked in your paper.
Although I havent had a lot of time to read through in detail, artiscience provided a nice write up in the time available.
Would be good to see if it can be taken through to the proof of concept stage.
Even to flesh out some further details