성공하기 위해서는 인도나 중국을 공략해라 또한 진정 마케팅을 하고 싶은건지 의문이 든다 너네들이 뭘 하고 있는지에 대해서 최대한 많이 또 자주 커뮤니티를 통해 알려주는게 중요하다 이런 기본적인 마케팅조차도 안하면서 뭘 아이디어를 얻겠다는건지… 한국에서는 레드코인하면 곧 사라질 망한 코인이라는 의견이 많다 아무도 거들떠보지않는다는거지
Please use English so everybody has a chance to read it, thanks
huebby I think you just missed an important point. Not everybody is English. Or do you still hanker after days of Empire ?
If you took the trouble to run this through Google Translate, it would say:
“To be successful, you have to go to India or China. I also wonder if you really want to do marketing. It’s important to let the community know as much as possible about what you are doing. Not even doing basic marketing. … In Korea, there are many opinions that red coin is a bad coin that will soon disappear.”
Thank you to Kimchi for their observations. My daughter was born in S Korea and loves Kimchi. Fortunately there are many Korean restos here in Philippines where there are over 90 language dialects with the official being Tagalog which gives you access to a potential market of 100 million people. The English speaking world is in decline and English is set to become a minority language
Ang pagkain ng Korean ay masarap
henry: Thanks henry, I did not want to sound impolite. I am not natively english myself, but as far as I understood this obviously is the language where everybody meets in the Internet. If I have to go and translate every single post this forum will not be usable anymore.
나도 한국인이지만, 한국이나 중국애들도 rdd에 많이 있는게 놀랍네 ㅋㅋ
굿잡 김치맨. rdd가 마케팅이나 개발상황등을 업데이트 하는데 문제가 있는 건 맞어. 우리 오피셜 웹사이트도 오랜기간 리뉴가 안됐고…
개발자들이 다들 파트타임이라서 (다른 본업이 있어) 여러가지 신경쓰는데 어려움이 있네.
핸리! rdd id가 나오고 여러 사람들에게 집중을 받고 한다면, 이런 부분이 더욱 개선되었으면 해.
마케팅과 개발 상황만 잘 이야기해도… 즉 소통만 잘되도 rdd는 분명 성공할거야…
Good job, kimchi man. it is right, rdd is not good for marketing and communication. We know our web also looks so old without update.
Since Dev of RDD is on part time, there are many lack of marketing , communication and update of development.
henry I hope many problem of RDD would improve with launch of RDD ID because many people will be concerned at that time.
I absolutely believe, if RDD have good marketing and communication, it should be success in crypto currencty market.
커뮤니티에서 공통된 언어를 사용해야 편하다는 점은 알고있지만 나는 한국에서도 rdd에 관심이 있고 지지하고있는 사람들이 많다는걸 알려주고싶었다.
가장 중요한 것은 글을 쓸때에도 언급한것처럼 사소한것이라도 자주 언급해주며 소통이 늘어야된다는 얘기를 해주고싶었어.
아무리 좋은 기술을 만들었다고 해도 아무도 그런 기술에 대해서 모르면 써먹을수가 없다는거지.
그리고 난 영어를 잘 하지 못해 그래서 나의 의견에 대해 좀 더 정확히 알리기 위해서 한글로 작성하는거야 누군가 영어를 잘하는 한국인이 있다면 대신 해석좀 부탁해
Love to see some Chinese !!
Kimchi Translating in English.
“I know it’s easy to use a common language in the community, but I wanted to let people know that there are many people in Korea who are interested in and supporting rdd.
Most importantly, as I mentioned when writing, I wanted to tell you that it is necessary to communicate more often, even if it is trivial.
No matter how good a technique is made, it can not be used if no one knows about it.
And I am not good at English so I write it in Korean so that I can give more accurate information about my opinion. If somebody is good at English, please interpret it instead.”