Wallet Password Recovery Tool

I’ve built a windows based .NET program that will brute force your password. This is hard-coded to run through the RPC, so you will have to set up your RPC username/password and set the RPCPort = 8332 and RPCAllowIP= This will not run over a network or without credentials to actually connect to your wallet. I wanted to make this as hacker unfriendly as I could…The only way someone could get your coins is to run this program on your computer and know your username/password for RPC, or to have taken a copy of your wallet.dat file…

Awesome work bmp02050

bmp02050 cool! looking forward to hearing if someone has succes with it :slight_smile: one day that forgotten password may be worth a lot :wink:

bmp02050 can you expain how i can use your program?
ill give you 50 dollar if it works=D

Joevlr It’s just a brute force password cracker. Anything over 5 or 6 characters takes forever…To make it feasible, I’d have to have farm of computers all running in parallel…

bmp02050 so its not really possible to use for my lost password?

I’m intrested to. I forgot my password…

Joevlr If you have a while to wait, then yes. Not sure how long it would take, but you could give it a whirl. I’d like to create a better version that doesn’t require the wallet to be open, rather it can read the wallet.dat file instead, but I’m not well versed in C++…

I suppose I better get on it.

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Where can I download the tool?

Sammy I’ll put a link up to a github. It’s a windows only program though…

bmp02050 Thank you! Its fine I got a PC

hey bmp02050 your tool sounds super useful. Ever since early Sept. my passphrase stopped working. I’v been trying to contact the developers on Reddit, twitter and email to no avail. Did you ever get a chance to put that on github?


Wallet Password Recovery Tool

Hi, I cannot find my passphrase, anyone can please help?

I have been over a week to do all possible to find it, but nothing.

I would appreciate any kind of support please.

I read above that you have created a Wallet Password Recovery Tool, can you please explain to me what to do?

Many thanks in advance


This would be very helpful to me, nd to quite a few others it seems… Can you let us know how we can purchase or download the program? Thanks.

What can I say you’re awesome… this sounds like a great tool for anyone that has lost their password… a little daunting knowing it’s out there though :hushed:

Replace the file on github for an adVERT… “RECOVER YOUR COINS FOR 50 BUCKS”
Dont let your work get into the wrong hands… protect it…

Reddcoin Password Cracker hehe… Nice work


Oh… anymore on the minecraft plugin?

Would you please let me know how to recover forgotten wallet password for reddcoin ? I pay you for your services. I have my reddcoins in my wallet but cannot use it because I no longer remember my passphrase created 2 years ago. Please tell me where to download or find this file.

ang168 Try this: https://www.reddcointalk.org/topic/1059/wallet-password-recovery-tool/15

Don’t forget to Tip if BMP02050 helps :slight_smile:

I need help. My wallet.dat file is corrupted and don’t know how to recover my coins. I could see the wallet address of the transaction on reddcoin block Explorer but don’t know how to recover my coins. I will surely give a huge tip to whoever can help me.

Could this be the file? Or am I mistaken? https://github.com/bmp02050/Reddcoin.Net

EDIT: I was mistaken.

I could use some help like Olumudegund1st

My wallet seems to have crashed as well.
I used salvagewallet but no result. I can see the used destination address for my reddcoin purchase but cannot get the privatekey.
Any help from anyone?

Kind regards, Gert