Wallet syncing problem

The qt wallet has been stuck at 11 weeks for a while now. Do I just have to wait for it to sync?

GalenStein Try to close and reopen the wallet. It should not take over 2 or 3 hours.

How many active connections do you have to the Reddcoin network? (Have a look under the Debug menu) Firewalls or proxy servers can cause issues with connectivity - so if you have either of these on the WAN network you are using that would be my first port of call (if the wallet restart does not help) :slight_smile:

Why am I not receiving emails when someone replies to my post?

8 connnections.

I’ve opened and closed the wallet many, many times. It’s been stuck for days.

what am I possibly looking for in the debug menu?

Also, all my other wallets function, and when I first installed it, I said yes to allow it on my LAN…or whatever that window asked of me.

Still no progress; stuck at block 335904.

GalenStein In the debug window was to see how many connections the wallet had. You could always delete the block chain data folder and have it re-download the entire block chain again. Sometimes if a file gets corrupted windows causes it to lock and wont let it be overwritten causing the client to stall out because it cant finish that block file thus letting it move on to the next.

or you could try just deleting the last few files with the highest numbers in that folder. It still may fuss and require a full re sync at that point because the database will be corrupted.

Either way that should fix it if no-one else can come up with a better way to help you. I have had to do it with btc before.

Thanks. I deleted the blocks folder and restarted, so let’s see how it turns out.

That didn’t work, but was it ever an option to delete the whole appdata folder? I did that, and finally that did the trick.

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GalenStein Yes that was an option too, just make sure you had a copy of your wallet.dat somewhere safe so would not loose any coins you had if you deleted the entire folder which had your wallet.dat within it. Was this your first wallet on that machine? Did it have any coins in it?

It was my first wallet, and it had currency in it (which came through when it finally synced).

Fortunately I know about the importance of backing up the wallet.dat file, but people replying to issues like mine should ALWAYS make sure the person asking is made aware of this. Guarding this file is critically important!


GalenStein Good thing then, glad you got it to work and did not loose any of your coins.


Check out “loose” vs “lose” :wink:

For future reference, you can speed up the full blockchain sync by using the bootstrap file. Instructions provided on the wiki: https://wiki.reddcoin.com/index.php?title=Bootstrap_the_Reddcoin_Blockchain

raid5 said:

For future reference, you can speed up the full blockchain sync by using the bootstrap file. Instructions provided on the wiki: Bootstrap the Reddcoin Blockchain - Reddcoin Wiki

does this work even with a raspi wallet?

raid5 said:

does this work even with a raspi wallet?

…i hope so, took me 4 full days to sync, with a 950Mhz o/c…

How many hours does it take to synchronize? Mine is telling me that last generated block was 3years and 14weeks old. I need the synchronization process faster. What do i do?

