Wrong Balance in the wallet (or reddsight)?

Hi all. I have only a few address in my wallet so I decided to move all my coin to a single address.
After doing that, the balance in my single address is 303xxx as shown in Reddsight while the balance in my wallet is 320xxx. What may have gone wrong here? I’ve made sure all other address’s balance is zero using Reddsight. Btw, I’m using Social Wallet.

zlewe1997 I have had a similar thing with a balance difference of 1m difference…for some reason when I did my own transaction self to self…there wound up being a difference between the wallet and Reddsight… I have no idea why…but I have all my keys…so…just an oddity

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So which balance is the correct balance? Reddsight?

Have you checked in the coin input section that all coins are indeed in 1 address?


I’m not sure what is the coin input section, but I’m using social wallet, and I’ve checked all address in the ‘Receive’ tab by searching them in Reddsight. All address has a value of 0 except the single address.

zlewe1997 said:

I’m not sure what is the coin input section, but I’m using social wallet, and I’ve checked all address in the ‘Receive’ tab by searching them in Reddsight. All address has a value of 0 except the single address.

Your wallet contains so-called change addresses.
Check out Change Addresses - Reddcoin Wiki for more information.