wrong priv key format


I’ve been using https://github.com/lionzeye/reddcovery to recover my wallet files, and it works, it outputs my priv keys.

Privkeys starts with ‘UxbB4W’, but I also got a few in between which start with something else, totally random, and unable to import those.

Anyone know what those keys are for?

Convertor probably better sending lionzeye a message, he will have a better idea than any of us

BrownSlaughter I’m starting to think its not the script, but the wallet.dat that there is something wrong with as pywallet is also acting odd.

will continue debugging

You can also try https://github.com/lionzeye/reddcointools/blob/master/fixwallet.py if the wallet isn’t too severely corrupted.

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lionzeye Thanks, will check that out.

Still bugging with my wallet files, I have 3, sadly I can’t remember which one if the one with the addresses I’m missing.

I was able to export a large amount of privkeys, and imported them into my running client, the addresses did show up, but non of the transactions, so did some rescan and such, nothing helped, so I deleted the whole chain and now redownloading the chain again, hoping the last missing stuff will appear when the chain is in sync.

The thing is, I’ve been able to get a large amount of my addresses, but the few (3-5) addresses, which I know has a large amount of coins are still missing.

Also lionzeye, I can see you’ve made a fork of the pywallet, maybe you can tell me why the -recover argument only can output bitcoin data?, even tho I’ve added the otherversion argument aswell?

rootconver:~/pywallet# python pywallet.py --otherversion=61 --recover --recov_device=/root/.reddcoin/wallet.1428839255.bak --recov_size 2Mo --recov_outputdir=.
Enter the passphrase for the wallet that will contain all the recovered keys: teest

Enter the possible passphrases used in your deleted wallets.
Don’t forget that more passphrases = more time to test the possibilities.
Write one passphrase per line and end with an empty line.
Possible passphrase:

Starting recovery.

Read 0.0 Go in 0.0 minutes

Found 0 possible wallets
Found 0 possible encrypted keys
Found 140 possible unencrypted keys
The wallet is encrypted and the passphrase is correct


Importing key 1/110:
Address (Bitcoin): 171ysZ8QRjicamWLkkfRtTLCaegegweagawgRqAJg9
Privkey (Bitcoin): 5KKGsKdfjnTYawfgM3fafwfgwgagawfgYcTWvDi
Hexprivkey: c584276e1bb3314afwfwfgd2791ba69180cc7b49e73af824b80b821a0
Hash160: 42003a8wafw079b5f229d13a87051574617b8
Pubkey: 04dawra97fd28asdq57e945061929a8gegaegfaf9ab079a60925f47214c8asdasdasd910b0b87a60e5f514957e32c412a9e379a4f94asd31301
Address (Bitcoin): 1wyadsWndB4MVpzueU8oasdLa2pX1fB
Privkey (Bitcoin): L3qf37EqyqeasdQ4kY3asdasdasdH3R8jDxLH7LbUmasdaStumH
Hexprivkey: c584276e1bb3314d854cf2e402342342344cc7b49e73af824b80b821a0
Hash160: 0a6608aadsda12dd544a691df2dasd786a71
Pubkey: 030b0eaasdfd280666799b257e945061asdasdasdefbc17ce79ab079aasd25f472

(Changed most of the data above, so its not fully my output, but gives you an idea of what I mean)

Convertor Not sure if you are talking about the QT Wallet and maybe you are already aware of this.
When I imported private keys into my QT Wallet by importprivkey command, often I had to restart the client to see those keys in the client. It sounds basic but the command itself takes some time and it’s blocking the UI so you would expect after the UI is responding again that you would see the imported keys but from my experience this is not always the case, you have to restart the client.

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ReddcoinRocks The client I’ve imported to was the qt client.

Correct you have to restart the client to make the addresses appear in the Receive tap, because importprivkey somehow puts the addresses in the address book. not sure why it does that, but a restart of the clients fix that.

About the UI not responding is because you’ve used the importprivkey without last argument set to false, which means it will not do a rescan every time you import a privkey.

importprivkey <-- Will result in the UI hanging because it is doing a rescan
importprivkey false <-- Will not make the UI hanging, and you can import many keys pretty fast, but you’ll then need to do the rescan when you’ve finished importing the keys.

Convertor I experienced that even without a rescan it takes some time before the UI is responding again. But from your post I read that you are aware of this and already restarted your client. :slight_smile:

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ReddcoinRocks Thanks for pointing out tho :slight_smile:

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If pywallet is able to open your wallet, reddcointools should too. I’ve often used the fixwallet.py successfully, so I recommend using that one.

lionzeye Okay, thanks, going to try that as a last option, tried everything I can come up with.

Been able to recover most of my addresses and coins, sadly not all. So there is properly around 100k-200k lost. and more sadly is that one of the addresses that are lost was my tip address, and I saw someone tipped me 25k the other day. so that sucks even more.