[Wallet] Official Release - Reddcoin Core v2.0.0

Dear Reddheads:

I am pleased to announce that the new v2.0.0 wallet is now officially released.

You can download pre-compiled binaries directly from our (https://github.com/reddcoin-project/reddcoin/releases/tag/v2.0.0.0) account. Or if you prefer, you can compile directly from source.

  • Linux 32 & 64 bit
  • Windows 32 & 64 bit
  • OSx 64 bit
  • Updated bootstrap.dat (if needed)

Reddcoin 2.0.0 is a complete rebuild based off Bitcoin 0.9. This means in terms of the code-base we have introduced all the Bitcoin changes up to and including v0.9.5 into this version of Reddcoin Core.

Taking this path will allow faster adoption of critical fixes and features.

Within this release we have also included some features from the 0.10 bitcoin build, including a connected peers tab and visual bandwidth monitoring

We suggest to read the release notes of Bitcoin up to and including 0.9.5 to get a full understanding of the changes.

On top of the new features, Reddcoin Core v2.0.0 update contains very important security fixes and all users MUST upgrade to this version as soon as possible. Details on several vulnerabilities were made public by the Bitcoin team (Official Bitcoin warning) regarding the issues. It is particularly important that users who are staking do upgrade.

This release introduces BIP66, and version 4 blocks. Once BIP 66 is enforced, version 3 blocks will be rejected from the network entirely as they contain less secure transactions.

This means, if you are staking, you need to upgrade so that you don’t risk miss out on your staking rewards

Details of other notable changes are posted on Github Releases

To Upgrade

First, make a copy (backup) of your existing wallet.dat and data folder

Where to find your Reddcoin data folder?

  1. Windows: C:\Users\USER NAME\AppData\Roaming\Reddcoin
  2. Mac: /Users/USER NAME/Library/Application Support/Reddcoin
  3. Linux:~/.reddcoin

Install Reddcoin Core software

  1. Uninstall your old wallet
  2. Install your new wallet

If you follow this procedure, we should be able to help you further if the need arises.

The new wallet is compatible with the old blockchain files. There is no need to re-sync from the start.


Gnasher (John)

JBJoy Just make a copy of the Reddcoin folder


Yup, Everything’s alright after I installed. Thanks for hard work.

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thank you for all your work!

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JBJoy Thats great.

I am interested to hear everyones experience in upgrading (and syncing)
And especially staking.

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stanking with Reddcoin Core v2.0.0.0-beta (64-bit)
by now to be all right!
Thanks for the new version, and for all your work!

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erkan Welcome

Is the first big step of many to come


Gnasher indeed

I am now part of the v2-gang

too bad, that 100% of my peers still use the 1.4.x version

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I compiled the v2.x myself, and upgraded onto the 1.4.x wallet


  1. The UI brought at first start a msg that localhost is not ok for rpcallow + then it exited the client on clicking OK
    I removed the “localhost” from the .conf (I had both there: localhost and

  2. the green staking icon is on

  3. more when I check the logs and when the client runs more

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Thank you for the new version and for your great efforts.
I installed it. V2.0 is working fine, green staking icon is on.
Even I sent you tip :slight_smile:

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erkan hmmm :frowning:

my linux64 just rebooted
I am letting also other programs run besides Reddcoin, so I can’t say for sure, what caused it, but the latest change was changing to v2 wallet (from v1.4)

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Nice, upgrading now.

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yup. time to try the new wallet

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Whoopee! Well done John. I’ll update this weekend.

Hope you have time to catch up tomorrow if that suits you?

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wow, ok that was sorta oeasy but i must admit, i was scared a bit to not see my reddcoin balance go in the new wallet. :smiley:
so i guess i did it properly

Will someone be updating reddcoin.org - still showing 1.4.1 on download page ?

henry will get to that.

reddibrek yes, should be able to catch up. I made sure i was available all weekend for the upgrade

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thanks Serkan34 appreciate the tip.

You also put a lot of effort into translations.

Upgraded with no issue - all seems to run as normal. Thanks for all of your hard work.
In the future (when I have time, which never seems to happen) I may be able to help with Japanese translation.

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